
Noronha VT, Goodchild MF 1992 The Ontario Standard Labelled Road Network: Integration of Emergency Services and Other Needs into a Conceptual Data Model.  Annual GIS Seminar, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Toronto.

Abstract Probably the most dramatic application for digital street networks is in emergency response. Information quality, especially accuracy and currency, is critical. The cost of compiling and maintaining high quality digital networks is substantial, and cannot be borne by emergency services alone. Other potential users of network data may be willing to share the costs if their information needs are satisfied. This points to the need for a standard data model, that (a) addresses the information content requirements of a variety of user groups, and (b) facilitates data exchange. Our study of Ontario's Emergency Health Services and other user groups identified a range of needs. The standard data model presents a broad view of networks at four information levels, for applications such as production cartography, position reckoning, address matching and route optimization. A broad base of users, from commercial cartographers to fast-food outlets, can expect to benefit from network data that conform to this model.

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[Update, June 2000: The SLRN is being superseded by object models that integrate user needs more effectively.  The authors now lead an international consortium sponsored by ESRI, to develop UNETRANS, an essential object model/template for transportation].


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